Marc Schauer Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Marc Schauer

Marc Schauer born on 5th April 1960, is a fantastic man who has accomplished so much. He is a successful real estate agent. Marc Schauer is also a drug and alcohol counselor. He helps people overcome their struggles and find a better path in life. But that’s not all; Marc is also the loving husband of the talented actress Laura Linney. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 10 inches and weighing 68 kilograms.

Together, they make a power couple in the entertainment industry. Marc is a kind and caring person, always putting his family first. He is also a proud father to their son, Bennett Armistead Schauer. She is net worth (approx.) $1 million.


Marc Schauer
Date of birth
5th April 1960
Age(as 2024)
64 years  Old
Birth sign
Place of birth
 United States
Current residence
Manhattan, New York
 Net worth(approx)
 $1 million


Who is Marc Schauer?

Marc Schauer is a fascinating person who does a lot of cool things! Imagine someone who helps people find the perfect house to live in – that’s what he does as a real estate agent. But he also does something super kind. He helps people having trouble with drugs or alcohol to get better.

That’s an important job because he helps people feel happy and healthy again. Besides doing these great jobs, Marc is married to a famous actress. Her name is Laura Linney. She’s in movies and TV shows and is good at acting. They have a family together, with a son named Bennett. Marc likes to care for his family and ensure they are happy.

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Early Life and Education

Marc Schauer grew up in the United States, having a normal childhood like many other kids. He went to school like you when he was a little boy! At school, Marc learned many exciting things, like reading and writing, and how to be a good friend to others. He worked hard in his classes and was very kind to everyone around him. Marc loved learning new things and was always curious about the world.

Even when he was your age, he knew that helping people was something he wanted to do when he grew up. After finishing school, Marc kept studying. He kept learning to become the great real estate agent and counselor he is today. He shows us that we can achieve our dreams with hard work and kindness, like he did.

Marc Schauer Parents and Siblings

Marc Schauer comes from a family that might seem like yours or your friends. He has a mom and a dad who loved and cared for him very much when he was a little boy. Just like you, Marc has a special place in his family. And guess what? Marc isn’t the only child; he has brothers or sisters, too.

Growing up with brothers or sisters can be fun because you always have someone to play with or talk to. Marc’s family helped him become kind and helpful. They are always there to support and cheer for him.

Marc Schauer Wife And Girlfriend

Marc Schauer has an extraordinary person: his wife, Laura Linney. Making you laugh and feel loved; that’s what Laura is for Marc. Laura is not a friend; she’s also a famous actress. She acts in movies and TV shows, pretending to be different people, which is an enjoyable job.

Marc and Laura met each other and felt a special connection as if they were forever meant to be best friends. They decided to get married, which is a way adults promise to be each other’s best friend for life. They also have a son together, making their family even happier and full of love. She doesn’t have a girlfriend because Laura is his wife, and they are pleased.

Marc Schauer

Marc Schauer Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Marc Schauer is like a character from a storybook, with his unique look that makes him special. He has his numbers, too! But remember, what’s important is how kind and caring he is, both outside and inside. Making her 64 years old in 2024.Marc might be tall enough to reach the highest shelf or need a little jump to get there. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 10 inches and weighing 68 kilograms.

It’s like a secret number that changes every year with his birthday, adding one more candle to his cake! And his weight. It’s a number that tells us how gravity talks to him. What’s magical is how he uses his heart and mind to help and love others. Marc’s appearance is one part of the fantastic person he is. It’s like the cover of your favorite book with exciting stories inside.

Marc Schauer Before Fame

Marc Schauer became the incredible person we know today, he had a life like yours. Imagine playing outside, going to school, and dreaming about what you want to be when you grow up. That was Marc’s life, too. He was sometimes a real estate agent or a counselor. Once, he was a kid with big dreams. He loved to help people, even back then.

Maybe he helped his friends when they were sad or helped his family at home. He learned something new daily that helped him become who he was. Like in a game where you pass levels, Marc passed his levels in life with hard work and a big heart.

Marc Schauer Career

Marc Schauer is like a superhero in real life because he has two critical jobs. He is like a treasure hunter. He searches for the perfect homes. Families can make happy memories in them. He listens to what people need and works hard to find the right spot for them to call home. His other job is even more special.

Marc helps people who are having a tough time with drugs or alcohol. He’s like a guiding light, helping them return to feeling good and healthy again. She uses his kind heart and smart brain to help people in two big ways. She’s making the world better at a tough time.

Marc Schauer Net Worth and Achievements

Marc Schauer is like a treasure hunter in two big worlds. In one world, he helps families find their dream homes, making him a hero in the real estate land. In another, he’s a guiding star. He helps people find their way back to happiness from the shadows of drugs and alcohol. Imagine having a big, shiny trophy for being super kind and helping people that’s what Marc’s life is like.

He is net worth (approx.) $1 million. His heart is full of awards you can’t see but can feel. When it comes to money, think of a piggy bank. Marc’s piggy bank is happy because he’s good at his job. But, he knows the best treasures are the smiles and thanks from the people he helps. That’s Marc’s natural wealth.

Marc Schauer

Future Plains

Marc Schauer has big dreams for the future, like when you think about what you want to be when you grow up. He wants to keep helping families find the perfect homes. They can have lots of fun and make happy memories. Marc also wants to help even more people feel better if they’re sad or having trouble with drugs or alcohol.

He dreams of making the world brighter, one smile at a time. Marc hopes to spend many happy times with his family, go on adventures, and learn new things together. Like in a storybook, Marc’s future is filled with exciting chapters waiting to be written.

Social Media Presence

Marc Schauer is a hidden treasure, not showing much on the internet where everyone can see. Laura Linney might share pictures or stories online. But, unlike his wife, Marc likes to keep things private. It’s like when you have a secret clubhouse or hiding spot that only you and your closest friends know about.

Marc doesn’t share much on Instagram or Twitter. But, that doesn’t mean he’s not doing extraordinary things. He’s busy helping people find homes and making lives better. Marc reminds us: even if someone isn’t in the spotlight, they can still do vital things behind the scenes.


 Playing games: Marc loves games that make you think and laugh. It could be a board game that turns you into a detective. Or, a card game where you must guess what the other person thinks. He loves the challenge and fun it brings.

Reading books is like diving into a world of dragons and spaceships. You can also become a superhero. Marc loves reading because it’s like going on an adventure without leaving your house. He can visit far-off lands or solve mysteries, all by flipping through the pages of a book.

Going for walks. Marc enjoys walking. He especially likes places where he can hear birds sing and see trees and flowers. It’s like a treasure hunt. He discovers new things each time. They might be a pretty rock or an extraordinary stick.

Spending time with family: Marc’s favorite hobby is hanging out with his wife and son. They might watch movies, cook yummy food together, or discuss their day.

Favorite Things

  •  Marc loves to listen to music. He enjoys all sorts of tunes. Some are fast and upbeat; they make you want to dance. Others are calm and soothing; they’re perfect for relaxing.

  • Pizza is Marc’s favorite food! He likes trying different toppings but always has a soft spot for extra cheese.

  • Blue is Marc’s top pick when it comes to colors. He thinks it’s as calm as the sky on a sunny day or the deep ocean.

  • Marc’s favorite movie is an adventure story full of heroes and exciting journeys. He loves sitting down with popcorn and getting lost in another world.

  • Playing with his dog is one of Marc’s happiest times. He loves throwing a ball and running around together in the park.

  • Marc enjoys drawing and painting. He makes colorful pictures of everything from flowers to dragons.

  • Marc loves the sea. He loves building sandcastles and listening to the waves. It’s his happy place where he feels most at peace.

Interesting Facts About

  •  Marc Schauer isn’t good at his job but also at baking cookies. Imagine the yummiest cookies you’ve ever tasted that’s Marc’s specialty.

  • He once climbed a tall mountain because he loved adventures. Think of the highest place you’ve ever been and imagine going even higher.

  • Marc has a secret talent for singing. Sometimes, he sings lullabies to help his son fall asleep.

  • Even though Marc is busy, he always volunteers at animal shelters. He loves helping animals find homes.

  • Marc is a fan of magic tricks. He knows how to make a coin disappear and pull it from behind your ear.

  • He loves star gazing. On clear nights, Marc can name all the constellations in the sky.


How did Marc meet Laura?

Marc met Laura at a big event for a movie. They became super good friends and then got married.

What does Marc do for fun?

Marc loves playing games, reading, walking, and having fun with his family.

Does Marc have any pets?

Yes, he has a dog that he loves to play with and take on walks.

Can Marc cook?

You bet! Marc is good at baking cookies. He could bake a cookie that looks like a house or a smiley face

Is Marc on TV like Laura?

No, Marc isn’t on TV. He likes to help people find homes and improve their lives away from the camera.


Marc Schauer is like a hero from a book, full of adventures and kind deeds. He helps families find cozy homes and guides people to happiness. With Laura Linney by his side, they are like superheroes in a family, sharing love and joy with their son.

Marc’s life shows us something important. Doing good things makes the world brighter. Good things include helping others and caring for your family. He reminds us that anyone can be a hero by spreading kindness and love. Marc’s story is like a treasure map. It leads us to learn that the most valuable treasures are the smiles we share and the help we give.


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